1,000 sqft studio space equipped for 15 yogis.
Blocks, Bolsters, Blankets for 15 Yogis
Waiting Room
Water Fountain
We provide private yoga classes and sound baths for weddings, bachorette parties, birthdays, girls/guys weekends or whatever special event brings you to Joshua Tree.
Each class is personalized to the event.
We can travel to you or host your party at the studio.
Our Joshua Tree home is now a co-op! What does this mean?
Well, it means that we host and provide a space for a variety of yoga-related activities in the high dez. The Joshua Tree Yoga Studio is 1,000sqft of ready to use yoga space.
Whether you are interested in hosting a yoga class, soundbath, meditation group, or perhaps your next birthday party, we got you!
Interested in hosting your next event, workshop, or maybe even a retreat in downtown JT? or perhaps want to set up your own weekly classes? Please fill out this intake form:
"Thats amazing" -Huell Howser